Flightcare Global is delighted to announce that commencing August 2023, we will be supporting our first major international airline. This is a significant achievement for our company and builds on the success we have achieved supporting smaller operators and business aviation clients. We are immensely proud that a flagship carrier has selected us as a trusted partner to provide medical support and assistance to their passengers and crew globally.
Our unique and innovative technology-driven solution connects crews to aviation-trained clinicians, including emergency physicians with decades of experience managing flight related medical events.
Our technology platform offers a host of benefits to our clients, including:
· Instant information upload and sharing streamlines front end processes saving valuable time in accessing medical recommendations
· Real-time, two-way communication (text- or voice-based) through our unique app*
· Proprietary clinician-facing system displaying all information regarding the medical incident on a single screen (client accessible)
· Automatic client notifications and reporting for timely updates
* other means of communication are also supported
Click on the link below for more information: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/750051149/d727a66fd4
or contact Sarah Magee at sarah.magee@flightcareglobal.com